Amprion Offshore GmbH
Period of time
since 2022
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents for the German EEZ and the 12 sm zone German EEZ and 12 sm zone in the North Sea
Amprion Offshore GmbH
Period of time
since 2022
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents for the German EEZ and the 12 sm zone German EEZ and 12 sm zone in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
since 2023
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents for the German EEZ German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
since 2023
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents for the German EEZ German EEZ in the North Sea
Amprion GmbH
Period of time
since 2020
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents for the German EEZ and the 12 sm zone German EEZ and 12 sm zone in the North Sea
Amprion GmbH
Period of time
since 2020
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents for the German EEZ and the 12 sm zone German EEZ and 12 sm zone in the North Sea
Universität Kassel Bosch & Partner GmbH
Period of time
since 2022
Scope of services
Contribution to the preparation of a sector specific guideline concerning the application of the German Fetheal Regulation for Compensation (BKompV) regarding fetheal projects in the EEZ of the German North and Baltic Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
since 2020
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2017 - 2021
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
since 2016
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Engineering GmbH (until end of 2017) Veja Mate Offshore Project GmbH Northland Deutsche Bucht GmbH
Period of time
since 2015
Scope of services
Ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 4; Preparation of reports concerning the investigation results of the project phases German EEZ in the North Sea
OWP Nordergründe GmbH & Co. KG
Period of time
2015 - 2021
Scope of services
Ecological investigation for monitoring of construction and operating phase of the protected goods Resting and Migratoring Birds and Marine Mammals according to StUK 4; Preparation of reports concerning the investigation results of the project phases German 12 sm zone in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
since 2014
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2018
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2017 - 2020
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2017 - 2020
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2017 - 2020
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2013 - 2016
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012- 2014
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2017
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2015
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2015
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2015
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2015
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2015
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2015
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2014
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2012 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2011 - 2014
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2011 - 2014
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2011 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2011 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2011 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2013
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2012
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2012
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2012
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Engineering GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2011
Scope of services
Ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3; preparation of reports concerning monitoring of construction German EEZ in the North Sea
RWE Innogy GmbH
Period of time
2010 - 2011
Scope of services
Ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3; preparation of report for the 3. year of investigation prior to the start of construction work German EEZ in the North Sea
E.ON Netz Offshore GmbH
Period of time
2008 - 2009
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
2008 - 2009
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
Bard Engineering GmbH
Period of time
2008 - 2009
Scope of services
Ecological monitoring during the operating phase Rysumer Nacken (Lower Saxony, nearshore)
BARD Foundation GmbH
Period of time
2008 - 2009
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
Stiftung Offshore Windenergie
Period of time
2008 - 2009
Scope of services
Ecological investigation according to StUK during the construction and operating phase Koordination and schutzgutübergreifenthe Endbericht German EEZ in the North Sea
Bard Engineering GmbH
Period of time
2008 - 2009
Scope of services
Ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3; preparation of report for the 3. year of investigation prior to the start of construction works German EEZ in the North Sea
Cuxhaven Steel Construction
Period of time
2007 - 2010
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Holding GmbH
Period of time
2007 - 2012
Scope of services
Application for permit, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation; preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Holding GmbH
Period of time
2008 - 2012
Scope of services
Application for permit, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation; preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Holding GmbH
Period of time
2009 - 2012
Scope of services
Application for permit, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation; preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
Global Wind Support GmbH
Period of time
2007 - 2009
Scope of services
Application for permit, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation; preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
Eos Offshore Aiolos GmbH
Period of time
2007 - 2009
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Resting and Migratoring Birds and Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
Eos Offshore Kaikas GmbH
Period of time
2007 - 2009
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Resting and Migratoring Birds and Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
Eos Offshore Notos GmbH
Period of time
2007 - 2009
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Resting and Migratoring Birds and Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
E.ON Netz GmbH
Period of time
2007 - 2008
Scope of services
Ecological construction supervision German 12 sm zone in the North Sea
Bard Engineering GmbH
Period of time
2006 - 2010
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, preparation of approval documents; basic investigations and monitoring of operating phase (together with IMARES NL) Dutch EEZ in the North Sea
Eolic Power GmbH
Period of time
2006 - 2010
Scope of services
Site search, permit application, preparation of approval documents Dutch EEZ in the North Sea
Global Wind Support GmbH
Period of time
2006 - 2010
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, preparation of approval documents; basic investigations and monitoring of operating phase (together with IMARES NL) Dutch EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Engineering GmbH
Period of time
2006 - 2008
Scope of services
Site search, permit application, preparation of approval documents Rysumer Nacken (Lower Saxony, nearshore)
Eolic Power GmbH
Period of time
2005 - 2010
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
Global Wind Support GmbH
Period of time
2005 - 2006
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Engineering GmbH
Period of time
2004 - 2007
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
RWE Innogy GmbH
Period of time
2001 - 2004
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the Baltic Sea
RWE Innogy GmbH
Period of time
2001 - 2004
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK (1. and 2. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
RWE Innogy GmbH
Period of time
2001 - 2003
Scope of services
Establishing of the investigation framework, assessment of alternatives, determination of the preferred alternative, preparation of the scoping document German EEZ and 12 sm zone in the Baltic Sea
BARD Schiffsbetriebs GmbH und Co. Natalie KG
Period of time
2008 - 2009
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application, ecological investigation of the protected goods Benthos, Fish, Resting and Migratoring Birds as well as Marine Mammals according to StUK 3 (1. year of investigation); preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
TenneT TSO GmbH
Period of time
Scope of services
Preparation of an environmental statement German EEZ in the North Sea
transpower offshore GmbH
Period of time
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents German EEZ in the North Sea
Deutsche Offshore Testfeld- and Infrastruktur GmbH & Co. KG (DOTI)
Period of time
Scope of services
3. year of investigation prior to start of construction, Work package Fish and Benthos German EEZ in the North Sea
Essent Wind Deutschland Offshore GmbH
Period of time
Scope of services
Search of project area, permit application German EEZ in the North Sea
BARD Building Management GmbH
Period of time
Scope of services
Site search, permit application, preparation of approval documents German 12 sm zone in the North Sea (nearshore)
Netzanschlussgesellschaft Norderney GbR
Period of time
Scope of services
Permit application, preparation of approval documents German 12 sm zone in the North Sea
Bard Engineering GmbH / Eos Offshore AG / Nordsee Windpower GmbH
Period of time
Scope of services
Preparation of approval documents for the German EEZ and the 12 sm zone German EEZ and 12 sm zone in the North Sea
Converter station and grid connection
BalWin alpha / BalWin1
Converter station and grid connection
BalWin beta / BalWin2
Converter station and grid connection
BalWin gamma / BalWin3
Converter station and grid connection
BalWin delta / BalWin4
Converter station and grid connection
DolWin delta / DolWin4
Converter station and grid connection
BorWin delta / BorWin4
Sector specific guideline concerning the application
of the 'Bundeskompensations-
verordnung' in the German EEZ
Converter station and grid connection
BorWin epsilon / BorWin5
Grid connection OWP Deutsche Bucht Converter station and grid connection
DolWin epsilon / DolWin5
Ecological Clustermonitoring
OWP BARD Offshore 1, OWP Veja Mate and
OWP Deutsche Bucht
OWP Nordergründe Converter station and grid connection
DolWin kappa / DolWin6
Converter station and grid connection
DolWin gamma / DolWin3
Grid connection OWP Albatros Grid connection OWP Global Tech I Grid connection OWP Hohe See Converter station and grid connection
BorWin gamma / BorWin3
Grid connection OWP Butendiek Converter station and grid connection
DolWin beta / DolWin2
Grid connection OWP Delta Nordsee I Grid connection OWP Delta Nordsee II Grid connection OWP Gode Wind I Grid connection OWP Gode Wind II Grid connection OWP Innogy Nordsee 1 Grid connection OWP Innogy Nordsee 2 Converter station and grid connection
BorWin delta / BorWin4
Converter station and grid connection
DolWin alpha / DolWin1
Grid connection OWP Borkum Riffgrund I Grid connection OWP Borkum Riffgrund II Grid connection OWP Borkum Riffgrund West II Grid connection OWP MEG Offshore I Grid connection Trianel Windpark Borkum Converter station and grid connection
SylWin beta / SylWin2
Grid connection OWP Nördlicher Grund Converter station and grid connection
SylWin alpha / SylWin1
Grid connection OWP DanTysk Grid connection OWP Sandbank Converter station and grid connection
HelWin beta / HelWin2
Grid connection OWP Amrumbank West Grid connection OWP Kaskasi Converter station and grid connection
HelWin alpha / HelWin1
Grid connection OWP Meerwind Süd/Ost Grid connection OWP Nordsee Ost Construction monitoring during the mounting of
OWP BARD Offshore 1
OWP Nordsee Ost Converter station and grid connection
BorWin alpha / BorWin1 (ehemals NordE.ON 1)
Grid connection OWP BARD Offshore I Offshore test field BARD 1 Emden OWP Euklas OWP alpha ventus OWP BARD Offshore 1 OWP Veja Mate OWP Aquamarin OWP Bernstein OWP Citrin OWP AusternGrund OWP Aiolos OWP Kaikas OWP Notos Installation of an empty conduit
on the island of Northeney
for the grid connection of
8 Offshore wind farms in the EEZ
OWP Gemini
(ehem. OWP BARD Offshore NL 1)
OWP Clearcamp
(ehem. OWP EP Offshore NL 1)
OWP Gemini
(ehem. OWP GWS Offshore NL 1)
Offshore-Testfeld BARD 1 Emden OWP Deutsche Bucht OWP AusternGrund OWP BARD Offshore 1 OWP Pommersche Bucht OWP Nordsee Ost Regional planning procedure grid connection
OWP Pommersche Bucht
OWP Diamant Grid connection OWP Veja Mate Converter station and grid connection
BorWin beta / BorWin2
Ecological baseline study
OWP alpha ventus
OWP Kaskasi Nearshore-site Ems delta Installation of an empty conduit
on the island of Norderney
for the grid connection of 8 Offshore wind farms
in the EEZ
Grid connection of 4 Offshore wind farms in the EEZ