Our consultancy work begins at the early planning stages of your offshore project and collection of baseline data. It continues on with approval procedures alongside the mandatory environmental assessments and reports. We provide support and expertise throughout all phases to successfully finalise your project. Our goal at all times is to provide you with the highest level of planning reliability and legal certainty for your projects, combined with our high-quality service. We are, of course, happy to assist you with any additional questions outside the common framework of offshore projects. We are certain to find satisfying solutions to your needs.
Our services for planning and approval procedures
- Environmental planning documents (EIA, assessment of species conservation, Natura 2000 and Marine Strategy Framework Directive assessments)
- Environmental monitoring (according to German regulations “StUK”)
- Consultation and assistance for regulatory processes and contact with public authorities
- Environmental supervision of construction work
Our services for environmental monitoring
(Please note, for projects in German waters we strictly follow the German regulations within “StUK”)
- Marine Säuger (Flug- und Schiffserfassungen, C-POD)
- Marine mammal monitoring (ship-based and aerial; acoustically with C-PODs)
- Sea birds and migratory birds (ship-based and aerial; radar detections)
- Macrozoobenthos (sampling of in- and epifauna)
- Fish community
- Sediment and ecological habitat types (including protected habitats according to German law § 30 BNatSchG)
Our main area of activity lies within the German EEZ and therefore we follow the German regulations and requirements. Please switch to our German page if you are looking for a specific German service or contact us directly if what you are looking for is not listed here. We are happy to help you!